Japanese Lessons

Lesson 4-8: 注文の多い料理店 / The Restaurant That Has Many Orders

Japanese Graded Readers: Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Read-aloud Method

Lesson 4-8: ちゅうもんおおりょうてん / The Restaurant That Has Many Orders

Slow Speed
Slow Speed with Pauses
Natural Speed
Natural Speed with Pauses



Japanese Script




English Translation

“Many orders means that the restaurant orders us. So, this restaurant won’t let people coming in eat a meal. This restaurant will make people coming in a meal and eat them. …So, we will be eaten.” They became very scared. “Let’s run away.” “Yes, let’s.” But, they could not open the yellow door. Instead, they found another door. This was written on the door;

“You did very well. Don’t hesitate to enter.”

A big monster was looking at them from behind the door. They started crying. Then, the monster said, “Darn it! They didn’t spread salt on their body. I might have failed with writing. Japanese is difficult.”


Words Types Meanings
こわ i-adjective  scary, frightening, dreadful 
げる  ru-verb to escape, to run away 
わりに  adverb  instead of, in exchange for, in return (for) 
遠慮えんりょなく  set phrase  without reservation, freely, frankly 
うしろ  noun back, behind, rear
もの  noun  goblin, apparition, monster, ghost 
失敗しっぱい noun, suru verb  failure, mistake, blunder 
noun (used as a suffix) language 


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