Road-Map: How to Make Your Japanese Speech



Each language has own manner when making a speech. Although a Japanese speech is not an exception, it is difficult for learners to get a feel of this style. It may not be necessary to follow it correctly, but, on the other hand, if you can make your Japanese speech in this way, it would make a huge difference in the effect on the audience. In this article, you will learn how you can perfect your Japanese presentations.

Complete Map: How to make a Japanese Speech

Target Readers

People who are going to make a Japanese speech or presentation.

Step 1 Selection of Japanese Script Structure

  1. Ki-Sho-Ten-Ketsu Structure
  2. Jo-Ha-Kyu Structure
  3. Introduction-Body-Conclusion Structure

Step 2 Writing Your Japanese Script

  1. Imitate Great Speaker; How to Write Your Japanese Script
  2. The Best Length of Sentence for Your Japanese Script
  3. Avoid Being Monotone, the End of Japanese Sentences
  4. Japanese Conjunction, Informal VS. Formal
  5. Six Quotes from Great Leaders for Your Japanese Script
  6. Proofread Your Japanese Script by Native Speakers

Step 3 Practicing Your Japanese Speech

  1. For Your Japanese Speech; Imitate Great Speakers II
  2. Big Key for Your Japanese Speech; 間 (Ma) Timing
  3. With Pictures: How Japanese Body Language Works
  4. During a Japanese Speech, With Vs. Without Your Script

After you completed the above tips and practices, you just need to have some rehearsals. Please be confident, you have made great efforts so far.


I hope you have understood them and you are in the process of following them already. Although I have written down a lot of tips, the most important thing is just to enjoy your Japanese presentation. Yet, in order to do so, you need to practice a lot. Needless to say, the more you practice, the better you will be. Please try to do your best when preparing. What you have done will bring you to where you want to go. Good luck.

Post Script

People can be divided into two groups; people who love and those who hate making a Japanese speech in public. The reason is clear. If you have confidence in your presentation, it is very likely that you will belong to the former group, if not, you will belong to the later group. Then, how can we attain such confidence? This way is also clear. If you have prepared well and practiced enough times, then it is very likely that you will have the confidence. Well, how can we accomplish it for the first time? In order to answer the question, I made this very road-map. I hope a lot of people will succeed in their Japanese presentations and come to love doing so. Thank you very much.