Last time, you learned how to express addition, e.g. “日に本ほんは魚さかなだけでなく肉にくも美味うまい (In Japan, not only fish but meat is delicious),” and “宿しゅく題だいはもちろん予よ習しゅうもちゃんとした (I properly made the preparations, not to mention doing homework too).” Then, if you underestimate the importance of homework like, “you don’t have to do such homework,” how should you say this? In this […]
Sentence Patterns
How to Express Addition: だけでなく, ばかりか, もちろんのこと, and にとどまらず
Last time, you learned how to express limitation, e.g. “女性じょせいに限かぎり、割引わりびきがあります (There is a discount for only women),” and “今日きょうを限かぎりに、お酒さけをやめます (I will quit drinking by today).” Then, if you would like to say, “there is a discount for not only women but men,” what should you do? In this lesson, you will learn how to express […]
How to Express Limitation: 限る, にかけては, ならでは, and ともかく
Wasabi’s Japanese Grammar Reference (with Audio Files) (English Edition)Get exclusive Wasabi material as an e-book for kindle on Amazon. Last time, you learned topic-related expressions, e.g. “アイヌ語ごというのは北海道ほっかいどうの一いち部ぶで話はなされている言こと葉ばのことだ (Ainu languages is a language spoken in part of Hokkaido),” and “北海道ほっかいどうといえば、私わたしは何なん度どか行いったことがある (As for Hokkaido, I have been there some times).” Then, if you would like to say, […]
Topic-related Expressions: というのは, といえば, and だが
Wasabi’s Japanese Grammar Reference (with Audio Files) (English Edition)Get exclusive Wasabi material as an e-book for kindle on Amazon. Last time, you learned how to express difficulty and possibility, e.g. “iPhoneは使つかいやすい (iPhones are easy to use),” and “完璧かんぺきな翻訳ほんやくはありえない (Perfect translations cannot exist).” In Japanese, the concept of topics is really important to make natural expressions. […]
How to Express Difficulty and Possibility …やすい, …にくい, …かねる, and …得る
Wasabi’s Japanese Grammar Reference (with Audio Files) (English Edition)Get exclusive Wasabi material as an e-book for kindle on Amazon. Last time, you learned how to express partial negation and double negative, e.g. “必かならずしも漢かん字じが難むずかしいわけじゃない (Kanji is not always difficult),” and “勉べん強きょうしないことはない (I will perhaps study).” Then, if you would like to say, “Kanji is difficult to […]
Partial Negation and Double Negative in Japanese
Wasabi’s Japanese Grammar Reference (with Audio Files) (English Edition)Get exclusive Wasabi material as an e-book for kindle on Amazon. Last time, you learned how the explanatory わけだ works, e.g. “日に本ほん語ごが話はなせるようになった。助じょ詞しが重要じゅうようだったわけだ (I became able to speak Japanese. The particles were important).” Just like the explanatory のだ, わけだ also has an important role to express detailed nuances. […]
Explanatory わけだ
Wasabi’s Japanese Grammar Reference (with Audio Files) (English Edition)Get exclusive Wasabi material as an e-book for kindle on Amazon. Last time, you learned how to express doubts in various ways, e.g. “日に本ほん語ごは難むずかしいのかな (I wonder if the Japanese language is difficult),” and “日に本ほん語ごは簡単かんたんなんじゃないか (I suppose the Japanese language is easy).” As you can see, the explanatory […]
How to Express Doubts: かな, かしら, だろうか, and ではないか
We have started a new section named “Advanced Sentence Patterns.” This is the final section in our grammar reference. Through learning advanced sentence patterns, you can spice up your knowledge more and more. In this lesson, you will learn how to express doubts in various ways Explanation for How to Express Doubts in Various Ways […]
Expressions for Numbers and Amounts: も, だけ, しか, ばかり, and すぎる
Last time, you learned how to express comparison, e.g. “田た中なかさんは玉たまねぎより芋いもを食たべます (Tanaka-san eats potatoes more than onions).” Then, if you would like to say, “Tanaka-san eats ONLY potatoes,” what should you say? In this lessons, we will delve deeply into the world of numbers and amounts. How to Express Numbers and Amounts in Various Ways Table […]
Japanese Comparison: より, …の方が, and …で一番
Last time, you learned how to express quotations and definitions, e.g. “ボブは日に本ほん語ごが上手うまいと聞きいた (I heard that Bob is good at Japanese).” However, if you would like to say “I heard that Bob speaks Japanese better than John,” what should you do? In this lesson, you will learn how to express comparison. Explanation for How to Express […]