Japanese Lessons

Japanese Lessons

Lesson 4-2: 注文の多い料理店 / The Restaurant That Has Many Orders

Japanese Graded Readers: Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Read-aloud Method Lesson 4-2: 注ちゅう文もんの多おおい料りょう理り店てん / The Restaurant That Has Many Orders Slow Speed Slow Speed with Pauses Natural Speed Natural Speed with Pauses   [adsense] Japanese Script 「困こまった。寒さむいし、私わたしはお腹なかも空すいている。」「僕ぼくも何なにか食たべたいよ。夜よるになると死しんでしまうよ。」二人ふたりがそんな話はなしをしていると、山猫やまねこレストランというレストランを見みつけました。「これはいい。中なかに入はいろう。」「しかし、こんな山やまの中なかにレストランがあるのは少すこし変へんだね。」「いいから行いこう。私わたしはもうお腹なかが空すいて、死しにそうなんだ。」「うん、僕ぼくも暖あたたかい部屋へやで休やすみたいよ。」二人ふたりがドアを開あけようとすると、ドアに何なにか書かいてあるのを見みつけました。 “いらっしゃいませ。遠慮えんりょなく入はいってください。” 二人ふたりは喜よろこびました。「すごい。今日きょうはたくさん歩あるいて大変たいへんだったけど、夜よるはお金かねを払はらわずにごはんが食たべられる!」「そうだね。『遠慮えんりょなく』というのは『タダで』ということだよね。」 English Translation “We have got a problem. It’s cold and I am also hungry.” “I want […]

Instantaneous Composition Method

Intermediate Japanese Grammar with Anki Flashcards

Wasabi and Anki

This is a continuation of Materials: Japanese Grammar with Instantaneous Composition Method. Thus, we assume that you have already: Read Genki I and II (Elementary Japanese Grammar) Read Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar Guide Completed Materials: Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Easy Japanese Completed Materials: Japanese Grammar with Instantaneous Composition Method It is not a […]

Instantaneous Composition Method

Japanese Grammar Exercise with Instantaneous Composition Method

Instantaneous Composition

The Most Effective Exercise for Japanese Grammar Material Information Name Wasabi Grammar Practice Materials Level Lower-Intermediate (JLPT N4) Lesson Number 67 Total Time 150 minutes Contents Japanese Grammar (JLPT N5, N4, and some of N3) Translation English How to Use Instantaneous Composition Method If you would like to utilize your mobile devices or hear them off-line, you […]

Instantaneous Composition Method

Japanese Grammar Exercise: Conditionals 「と」「なら」

Conditionals と ならば

Before starting the exercise for conditionals 「と」「なら」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. You should already have the […]

Instantaneous Composition Method

Japanese Grammar: Expressing Easy or Difficult to Do 「やすい」「にくい」「づらい」

Japanese Grammar: やすい にくい

Before starting the exercise for expressing easy or difficult to do 「やすい」「にくい」「づらい」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. […]

Instantaneous Composition Method

Japanese Grammar Exercise: Making Negative Requests 「…ないで」

Japanese Grammar: ないで

Before starting the exercise for making negative requests 「…ないで」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. You should already […]

Instantaneous Composition Method

Japanese Grammar Exercise: Potential Form 「…ことが出来る」「(ら)れる」

Japanese Potential Form

Before starting the exercise for potential form 「…ことが出来できる」「(ら)れる」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. You should already have […]

Instantaneous Composition Method

Japanese Grammar Exercise: Experience 「ことがある」

Japanese Perfect Tense: Experience

Before starting the exercise for expressing experience 「ことがある」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. You should already have […]

Instantaneous Composition Method

Japanese Grammar Exercises: Verb Clauses 「こと」「の」

Verb Clauses: こと、の

Before starting the exercise for verb clauses 「こと」「の」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. You should already have […]

Instantaneous Composition Method

Japanese Grammar Exercise: Past Tense 「…た」

Japanese Past Tense

Before starting the exercise for past tense 「…た」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. You should already have […]